Intwined Pattern Studio is a powerful knitting program designed to help the knitter who wishes to create his/her own patterns. It is relatively easy to use. The difficulty is in creating your own stitches. The developers of Intwined Pattern Studio suggest that the knitter use Inkscape, a free drawing program that creates .svg files. I found creating my own stitches to be a challenge, but once I created a half dozen, it became easier.

I prefer Barbara G. Walker's symbols, as illustrated in her Charted Knitting Designs—A Third Treasury of Knitting Patterns. IMHO, these are standard and make visualizing the pattern easier. So, I charted these symbols in Intwined for anyone to use freely. Download each set and import them into Intwined’s Stitch Library.

How to read the charts: Each cable is only 1 row—the middle row. Consider the bottom row to be Row 1; the middle (cable) row, Row 2; and the top row, Row 3. By adding the borders to Rows 1 and 2, the stitch becomes easier to visualize as it will look knitted.

When you click on each image, a larger image will pop-up.

Walker Cables
a) 1-over-1 Front Cross Knit (1-1fck): Sl 1 st to cn and hold in front, k1, k1 from cn.
b) 1-over-1 Front Cross Purl (1-1fcp): Sl 1 st to cn and hold in front, p1, k1 from cn.
c) 1-over-1 Back Cross Knit (1-1bck): Sl 1 st to cn and hold in back, k1, k1 from cn.
d) 1-over-1 Back Cross Purl (1-1bcp): Sl 1 st to cn and hold in back, k1, p1 from cn.

Download set01.

Walker Cables

e) 1-over-2 Front Cross Knit (1-2fck): Sl 1 st to cn and hold in front, k2, k1 from cn.
f) 1-over-2 Front Cross Purl (1-2fcp): Sl 1 st to cn and hold in front, p2, k1 from cn.
g) 1-over-2 Back Cross Knit (1-2bck): Sl 2 sts to cn and hold in back, k1, k2 from cn.
h) 1-over-2 Back Cross Purl (1-2bcp): Sl 2 sts to cn and hold in back, k1, p2 from cn.

Download set02.

Walker Cables
i) 1-over-3 Front Cross Knit (1-3fck): Sl 1 st to cn and hold in front, k3, k1 from cn.
j) 1-over-3 Front Cross Purl (1-3fcp): Sl 1 st to cn and hold in front, p3, k1 from cn.
k) 1-over-3 Back Cross Knit (1-3bck): Sl 3 st to cn and hold in back, k1, k3 from cn.
l) 1-over-3 Back Cross Purl (1-3bcp): Sl 3 st to cn and hold in back, k1, p3 from cn.

Download set03.

Walker Cables

m) 1-over-4 Front Cross Knit (1-4fck): Sl 1 st to cn and hold in front, k4, k1 from cn.
n) 1-over-4 Front Cross Purl (1-4fcp): Sl 1 st to cn and hold in front, p4, k1 from cn.
o) 1-over-4 Back Cross Knit (1-4bck): Sl 4 st to cn and hold in back, k1, k4 from cn.
p) 1-over-4 Back Cross Purl (1-4bcp): Sl 4 st to cn and hold in back, k1, p4 from cn.

Download set04.

Walker Cables

q) 2-over-1 Front Cross Knit (2-1fck): Sl 2 st to cn and hold in front, k1, k2 from cn.
r) 2-over-1 Front Cross Purl (2-1fcp): Sl 2 st to cn and hold in front, p1, k2 from cn.
s) 2-over-1 Back Cross Knit (2-1bck): Sl 1 st to cn and hold in back, k2, k1 from cn.
t) 2-over-1 Back Cross Purl (2-1bcp): Sl 1 st to cn and hold in back, k2, p1 from cn.

Download set05.

Walker Cables

u) 2-over-2 Front Cross Knit (2-2fck): Sl 2 st to cn and hold in front, k2, k2 from cn.
v) 2-over-2 Front Cross Purl (2-2fcp): Sl 2 sts to cn and hold in front, k2, k2 from cn.
w) 2-over-2 Back Cross Knit (2-2bck): Sl 2 sts to cn and hold in back, k2, k2 from cn.
x) 2-over-2 Back Cross Purl (2-2bcp): Sl 2 sts to cn and hold in back, k2, p2 from cn.

Download set06. (Correction on March 15,2014)

Walker Cables

y) 4-over-1 Front Cross Knit (4-1fck): Sl 4 st to cn and hold in front, k1, k4 from cn.
z) 4-over-1 Front Cross Purl (4-1fcp): Sl 4 st to cn and hold in front, p1, k4 from cn.
a1) 4-over-1 Back Cross Knit (4-1bck): Sl 1 st to cn and hold in back, k4, k1 from cn.
b1) 4-over-1 Back Cross Purl (4-1bcp): Sl 1 st to cn and hold in back, k4, p1 from cn.

Download set07.

Walker Cables

c1) 4-over-2 Front Cross Knit (4-2fck): Sl 4 st to cn and hold in front, k2, k4 from cn.
d1) 4-over-2 Front Cross Purl (4-2fcp): Sl 4 st to cn and hold in front, p2, k4 from cn.
e1) 4-over-2 Back Cross Knit (4-2bck): Sl 2 st to cn and hold in back, k4, k2 from cn.
f1) 4-over-2 Back Cross Purl (4-2bcp): Sl 2 st to cn and hold in back, k4, p2 from cn.

Download set08.

Walker Cables

g1) 4-over-3 Front Cross Knit (4-3fck): Sl 4 st to cn and hold in front, k3, k4 from cn.
h1) 4-over-3 Front Cross Purl (4-3fcp): Sl 4 st to cn and hold in front, p3, k4 from cn.
i1) 4-over-3 Back Cross Knit (4-3bck): Sl 3 st to cn and hold in back, k4, k3 from cn.
j1) 4-over-3 Back Cross Purl (4-3bcp): Sl 3 st to cn and hold in back, k4, p3 from cn.

Download set09.

Walker Cables

k1) 4-over-4 Front Cross Knit (C8F): Sl 4 st to cn and hold in front, k4, k4 from cn. (Include in Interwine)
L1) 4-over-3 Front Cross Purl (4-4fcp): Sl 4 st to cn and hold in front, p4, k4 from cn.
m1) 4-over-3 Back Cross Knit (C8B): Sl 4 st to cn and hold in back, k4, k4 from cn. (Include in Interwine)
n1) 4-over-3 Back Cross Purl (4-4bcp): Sl 4 st to cn and hold in back, k4, p4 from cn.

Download set10.

Walker Cables

In this set, the purl stitches are very small. The rows above and below the symbol help distinguish the purl from the knit.

o1) 1-over-1-3st Front Cross Knit (1-1-3fck): Sl 2 sts to cn and hold in front, k1, sl the center st from cn back to left-hand needle and knit it, k1 from cn.
p1) 1-over-1-3st Front Cross Purl (1-1-3fck): Sl 2 sts to cn and hold in front, k1, sl the center st from cn back to left-hand needle and purl it, k1 from cn.
q1) 1-over-1-3st Back Cross Knit (1-1-3fcp): Sl 2 sts to cn and hold in back, k1, sl the center st from cn back to left-hand needle and knit it, k1 from cn.
r1) 1-over-1-3st Back Cross Purl (1-1-3fcp): Sl 2 sts to cn and hold in back, k1, sl the center st from cn back to left-hand needle and purl it, k1 from cn.

Download set11.

Walker Cables

In this set, the purl stitches are very small. The rows above and below the symbol help distinguish the purl from the knit.
s1) 2-over-2-5st Front Cross Knit (2-2-5fck): Sl 3 sts to dpn and hold in front, k2, sl center st from dpn back to left-hand needle and knit it; k2 from dpn.
t1) 2-over-2-5st Front Cross Purl (2-2-5fcp): Sl 3 sts to dpn and hold in front, k2, sl center st from dpn back to left-hand needle and purl it; k2 from dpn.
u1) 2-over-2-5st Back Cross Knit (2-2-5bck): Sl 3 sts to dpn and hold in back, k2, sl center st from dpn back to left-hand needle and knit it; k2 from dpn.
v1) 2-over-2-5st Back Cross Purl (2-2-5bcp): Sl 3 sts to dpn and hold in back, k2, sl center st from dpn back to left-hand needle and purl it; k2 from dpn.

Download set12.

Walker Cables

In this set, the purl stitches are very small. The rows above and below the symbol help distinguish the purl from the knit.
w1) 3-over-3-5st Front Cross Knit (3-3-7fck): Sl 4 sts to dpn and hold in front, k3, sl center st from dpn back to left-hand needle and knit it; k3 from dpn.
x1) 3-over-3-5st Front Cross Purl (3-3-7fcp): Sl 4 sts to dpn and hold in front, k3, sl center st from dpn back to left-hand needle and purl it; k3 from dpn.
y1) 3-over-3-5st Back Cross Knit (3-3-7bck): Sl 4 sts to dpn and hold in back, k3, sl center st from dpn back to left-hand needle and knit it; k3 from dpn.
z1) 3-over-3-5st Back Cross Purl (3-3-7bcp): Sl 4 sts to dpn and hold in back, k3, sl center st from dpn back to left-hand needle and purl it; k3 from dpn.

Download set13.

Walker Cables

In this set, the purl stitches are very small. The rows above and below the symbol help distinguish the purl from the knit.
a2) 4-over-4-9st Front Cross Knit (4-4-9fck): Sl 5 sts to dpn and hold in front, k4, sl center st from dpn back to left-hand needle and knit it; k4 from dpn
b2) 4-over-4-9st Front Cross Purl (4-4-9fcp): Sl 5 sts to dpn and hold in front, k4, sl center st from dpn back to left-hand needle and purl it; k4 from dpn
c2) 4-over-4-9stt Back Cross Knit (4-4-9bck): Sl 5 sts to dpn and hold in back, k4, sl center st from dpn back to left-hand needle and knit it; k4 from dpn
d2) 4-over-4-9st Back Cross Purl (4-4-9bcp): Sl 5 sts to dpn and hold in back, k4, sl center st from dpn back to left-hand needle and purl it; k4 from dpn

Download set14.